2011 Blue Roan Mare "Jag"

AQHA Registered: ShezePertyBlueJaguar

Sire: Smokey Blackburn 023

Dam: Smarty Sarah

Horse Color: Ee/aa/RnN

5 panel negative

85.37% Foundation Quarter Horse

Our friends Andy and Amber bought Jag as a weanling. Andy started her, used her in the pasture and then began roping on her. She was started on the calf sled and then focused on heeling at jackpots. She was sold and was a competitive heel horse along with having a solid start in heading. Jag got hurt in the pasture and was broodmare sound only. Andy and Amber got the call to buy her back and they raised a heck of a foal. They sold her to a friend who had her for a few years and when he decided to sell her Amber called us. We watched the horse sale online, bought her sight unseen, Amber and Andy picked her up and took care of her until we could get down there. This mare is not only special to us but special to Andy and Amber and we are so excited to see this cross and future crosses with her!!

ShezePertyBlueJaguar Foals:

2025- Confirmed in foal to Wimpys Custom Spook